Sunday, July 31, 2005

The dogs give chase

Today’s adventure came late in the day. I had been working in my room on the computer for a while and decide that it would be nice to take a bike ride. It was around 10 PM, so it had cooled down quite a bit. Everything went well for the first half, while I was on the major roads. I had just finished working on a map of the bike paths, so I thought I would try a couple out, thinking they might be well marked, and trusting in the fact that I had been studying them for about an hour. I went south out of town, then north on a road that led north, but stayed east of the town. I didn’t know exactly where I was, but I had a good idea and I could see the mountains for bearings. Then things went downhill. I wasn’t sure where I was, but I was beginning to reach the road up into the Yellow Butterfly Valley, which leads into the mountains. About that time I rode by a house and three big dogs decided to chase me. I had already had a couple encounters with dogs, but these meant business. I rode quick as I could and came out unharmed. Not only that, I could see a temple that I recognized. Unfortunately it meant I was at the base of the YB Valley, and had to turn around and run the dog gauntlet again. The next half hour or so I picked my way through a village recognizing some things, but unable to find my way out. Finally I found someone to ask directions from. Now remember, I don’t speak Chinese. I said Meinung, and he could tell I was long. He replied “Meinung something, Meinung something”, and I think he was asking if I wanted Meinung town or something else. I just stood there looking like an idiot, and tried to get him over to the less than helpful bike path map about 20 feet away. He wouldn’t budge, but used hand signals to show which direction, and that I was to turn right at the intersection. Sure enough, as soon as I turned I knew exactly where I was, about a minute away from the temple guesthouse. That is the end of late night solo bike rides for me.


Blogger Unknown said...

So here's what I'd do:
in the wallet/satchel/fanny-pack that I would carry rupees/dinar/euro/whatever in, I'd keep a Rosetta Stone notebook with english-to-chinese sayings on it:
"Please point me to Meinung temple"
"I feel sick-- where's the loo?"
"Your goat is giving birth"
"This building is ugly"
"I had two kidneys when I walked in and I would like to have two when I walk out"
"Does this prostitute see a doctor regularly?"
"I am an attache to the Canadian diplomat"

and other useful phrases.

Glad to hear you weren't mauled. A chasing is good for your heart and makes you feel desired, eh?

Take care!

8:48 AM  
Blogger edluv said...

jay is weak. i saw him the other day. he can't control a dog. don't take his advice.

instead, carry a laptop that speaks spice girl songs in funny voices. or, better yet, make a grammer robot. lingwo is dead...


1:53 PM  

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